Grants for PPS Staff

Grants for PPS Staff


Two Grant Programs Available
Equity and Innovation Grants and Co-Curricular Grants

Applications Available:  late August 2025
Applications Due: TBD in October 2025
Decisions Posted: TBD in late October 2025
Final Reports Due: end of school year June 2026

Fall Equity and Innovation Grants

Each year, FPPS runs the Fall Equity and Innovation Grants Program, designed to support classroom innovations which enhance learning experiences for students in Portland Public Schools in response to the Portland Strategic Plan Priorities. Grants are open to both teachers and other PPS staff. Please read the guidelines before applying!

Please complete the Final Report Form. Provide photos, video, or stories of student participating in your grant and/or other documentation about the project that Foundation for Portland Public Schools can share. All images of students require signed media consent forms that are on file with the school. Photos should be sent as high resolution or actual size. Thank you!

Please email with any questions.

NEW: FPPS Co-Curricular Grants

This year we are excited to launch a co-curricular grants program. Clubs and activities nurture a sense of belonging, increase student engagement, and improve student attendance. They are often joyful parts of school with deep learning and powerful team building. Please read the guidelines before applying!

Please complete the Final Report Form. Provide photos, video, or stories of student participating in your grant and/or other documentation about the project that Foundation for Portland Public Schools can share. All images of students require signed media consent forms that are on file with the school. Photos should be sent as high resolution or actual size. Thank you!

Please email with any questions.

Staff Summer Planning Grants

Summer Planning Grants

FPPS offers up to $800 per person or up to $5,000 for teams of PPS staff to engage in curriculum planning, school team collaboration, or other summer work intended to advance new approaches to student learning or otherwise prepare for the school year. FPPS Summer Planning Grants are meant to support work that would not otherwise be funded in the PPS annual budget.

Please note: We are NOT encouraging PPS staff to work more in the summer. But if you plan to work, we want you to be compensated!

Applications Available: Tuesday, April 1, 2025
Applications Due: Monday, May 5, 2025
Decisions Shared: Wednesday, May 28, 2025
Brief Grant Reports Due: No later than Friday, September 12, 2025

In your final report, please provide the name, employee ID number, job title, and school for all team members, and the number of hours each person worked.

A final report must be submitted for grantees to receive their grant compensation. Grantees will be paid through PPS Payroll.

Questions? Please contact FPPS Executive Director Andi Summers at or 207-842-4658.

Summer Innovation Planning Grants​

Summer Planning Grant Guidelines

1) Grant funds are only for PPS staff planning or collaboration time, at a rate of $40 / hour. Summer Planning Grant funds can NOT be used for supplies, books, food, transportation, workshops, conferences, outside consultants, etc.
2) All PPS staff are eligible to apply. You can apply as an individual or as a team. Maximum awards are $800 per person and $5,000 for teams. Team members will only be paid for up to 20 hours of work ($800).
3) The grant must be used in full prior to the start of the school year—this is summer work.
4) Principal or director support is required. Please review your grant together before submission. If your work is districtwide, please include your district-level leadership.
5) Applications will be selected based on impact on student learning, innovation, and alignment with the district’s priorities.
6) Grantees will be paid through PPS Payroll. They must track their hours and give them to the project lead, along with their employee ID numbers, for submission through the Summer Planning Grants’ final report form. Additional details about payment processes will be provided in September.
7) A brief summary of the work completed is due to FPPS in a final report by September 12, 2025. The project lead must submit a final report for all grantees to receive their grant money.