Portland Press Herald article on Addressing the Opportunity Gap

Read Michael Kelly’s article about our new campaign Addressing the Opportunity Gap. The Foundation for Public Schools launched the campaign to help accelerate and expand our school district’s equity work. Superintendent Xavier Botana is quoted in the article: “Portland voters are generous supporters of our schools. But we still have many unmet needs. In this … Read more

New Campaign Seeks Community Support for Equity Work in Portland Schools

On July 13, the Foundation for Portland Public Schools (FPPS) launched a new community campaign called Addressing the Opportunity Gap to raise money for systemic equity work in the Portland Public Schools (PPS). The PPS strategic plan, the Portland Promise, calls for rooting out systemic and ongoing inequities in the city’s schools. The district has … Read more

Families In Crisis Fund Receives $12,000 from United Way of Greater Portland

The Foundation for Portland Public Schools is pleased to announce it has received funding to help provide financial stability to vulnerable Portland students and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic. A $12,000 Greater Portland COVID-19 Community Relief Fund grant from United Way of Greater Portland (UWGP) will be used to support the Portland Public Schools … Read more

Congratulations to our three online raffle winners!

Thank you to all who donated to the Thank a Teacher campaign, benefiting our Fall Teacher Grants Program! Those who donated in the month of May were automatically entered to win one of three raffle prizes: A $75 gift card to David’s Restaurant on Monument Square A two night stay at The Press Hotel in downtown Portland A gift … Read more

FPPS June News

Like all of you, we have a lot on our minds. We are saddened and angry about the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police, as well as the many others who have died before and since. The health, financial, and emotional burdens of the coronavirus make this even more difficult … Read more

Congratulations Step Up Award Winners!

The Foundation for Portland Public Schools on May 27 announced the latest Portland High School students chosen to receive the Step Up Award, now in its third year. The Step Up Award at Portland High School provides funding for students in the Make It Happen! program who would otherwise have to forego school-year extracurricular opportunities … Read more

Thank a Teacher!

Join us and Thank a Teacher! We are taking our cancelled annual fundraising event Spring For Teachers online and to the community to show our gratitude, and raise support for our Teacher Grants program.

School staff in Portland (teachers as well as ed techs, librarians, social workers, food services staff, maintenance crews, principals, and others) are going above and beyond in this era of distance learning.

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Welcome our new Executive Director, Andrea (Andi) Weisman Summers

Andi comes to us from the Great Schools Partnership where she was Co-Director of Coaching. Great Schools Partnership is a national non-profit that supports public school improvement and innovation. Prior to that, she worked as a bilingual immigration advocate at the Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project (ILAP) for over six years. Andi’s other career experience  includes working … Read more

Spring for Teachers 2020: Postponed

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UPDATE: Spring for Teachers 2020 POSTPONED

Like so many other organizations in our community, we are postponing our “Spring for Teachers 2020” fundraiser.  No specific new date has been scheduled at this time. We are taking our direction from the City of Portland and the CDC to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Tickets to Spring for Teachers will be honored at the rescheduled event and will support our Fall 2020 Teacher Grant Program. If you would like a refund, please let contact the Foundation directly at info@foundationforpps.org. Please stay safe and healthy and stay tuned for more information on this event later this year.

The Spring for Teachers event helps us to fund our annual Teacher Grants Program. Enjoy a casual evening out for adults with music, a raffle, light refreshments, and a cash bar with beverages from Allagash Brewing.

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